Clothing & Accessories For historical reasons, Oroqen has been hunting from the Stone Age to 1950. They Live in the forest with vagrant and has a close relationship with nature. Oroqen costumes are m...
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Men's Clothing

Roe deer skin clothing called “Suen” Menswear called "Niluosuen" in Oroqen language. Has long and short form. The lapel form mostly in the right side. The robe has split e...
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Women's Clothing

Oroqen female roe deer skin clothing called "Exisuen", the style pretty like men’s, but women’s did not split ends before and after.

Oroqen women’s clothing h...
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Kids Clothing

Children's clothing style pretty like the adult’s, the different is there have roe deer skin on the neckline for bib. In addition, the decoration of children's clothing is ...
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Apparel Decoration

Split patterns called "shebianpo" in Oroqen language, there are various styles. Dig out the black leather and cut the main pattern for general, the variety colors will be ex...
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